Simple Will FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about Wills:


What is the average cost to write a will?

On average, it costs around £200 to write a single will and £300.00 for couples in the UK.

WillMaker Simple Wills only cost £125 for a single will and £175 for a couples will.

We can also provide Secure Storage for Just £20 a year which allows you a Free update service, allowing you to make changes to your will anytime.

What should you put in your will?

The questionnaire will guide you through what you will need to put into your will, giving you the chance to set your wishes and MAKE SURE what you want to happen actually does when you pass away. This includes appointing executors and trustees, writing your funeral wishes, naming beneficiaries and setting out how you would like your estate divided up. You will also have the important option of appointing guardians for your children.

What happens if you die without a will?

The Laws of intestacy will have to be followed and people you may not have wanted to inherit do so.

How do you choose guardians for your children?

If there are no surviving parents or adults with parental responsibility, then your choice of guardianship set out in your will then becomes a legal choice. It is totally your choice who you name as guardian but a lot of couples name the children’s grandparents, aunties and uncles, or the parents of their close friends.

How would I Update my Will?

When you have written your online will, we then offer secure storage from just £20 per annum and this includes free updates to your will at anytime.

Who should I choose as my Executor?

Above all you must choose somebody you trust.

They will have to follow the instructions in your will and deal with financial institutions and HMRC.

It would probably be beneficial If your executor is good at paperwork and managing legal affairs.

If you choose more than one executor, they could divide up the work or you may want to appoint one of your children and a professional as your executors (The WillMaker Group Ltd. Would be happy to act as Executors on your behalf).

When writing your will with WillMaker Online Wills, you will find it easy to appoint your executors and you can choose friends, family, Professionals or a combination of all three.

My needs are more complex, how can I find a Will Writing Expert?

For a standard will, our online service should cover your requirements. But if your situation requires a little more planning then we highly recommend speaking with the Experts at The WillMaker Group Ltd who can provide video or telephone consultations to understand your needs.

How much inheritance tax will I have to pay?

To keep it simple as a single person, if your estate is over £325,000.00 then anything over this will be taxed at 40% for a couple you have a joint allowance of £650,000.00 . On top of this allowance you also have the Residence Nil Rate Band allowance which is now £175,000.00 per person but is only available if you are passing your main residence down to children or grandchildren.

If you believe your estate is more than the above values then we would recommend speaking to an expert advisor from our sister company The WillMaker Group Ltd – Click link and they will contact you directly.

What do I need to do when I print my Will?

To ensure your will is legally binding you need to sign and date your will in front of two witnesses and then they sign and print their details.