How much does it cost to make a Will and Power of Attorney?
Acting In The Persons Best Interests
Cost for Mirror Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney for couples is only £925.00 (plus OPG registration fee of £82.00 per LPA)
Further pricing for Single Wills and Powers of Attorney for one person can be found below.
There are many different types of ‘Will’ also with many different types of trust.
Several will writing companies having their own ‘trade’ names for certain products when writing a will.
For instance, some companies call a mirror will, a couples will and there are many variations of will trusts including, protective property trust, trust will, severance of tenancy will, will trust, discretionary will trust, property trust will and protective will trust.
Power Of Attorney Information
Protecting Your Wishes
A standard single or mirror will, can for most people, take care of basic wishes such as who your executors are, guardianship for children under the age of 18, trustees to look after your children’s inheritance, who will be your beneficiaries of your Estate and any simple funeral wishes.
But if you want to put some protections into place to ensure your loved ones receive what you have worked a lifetime to earn then setting up trust planning (trust wills) within your will can help you achieve this.
Protect from sideways dis-inheritance and care home fees.
Most people’s main asset is their home and leaving property in trust is very common and can protect from sideways dis-inheritance and care home fees.
On average, it costs around £225.00 to write a standard single will and £350.00 for a couples (mirror) will in the UK.
Trust Wills (protective property trusts) cost on average £800.00 – £1,000.00
The WillMaker Group only charge £175.00 for a standard single will, £275.00 for a standard couples will.
Our Trust Wills start from £575.00
So what should a power of attorney cost?
There are 2 different types of Power of Attorney, Health and Welfare and Property & Financial.
We would always advise clients to have both Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) to give themselves the peace of mind that their loved ones will be able to look after them and deal with financial institutions and also have the power to make health and welfare decisions.
The only time we may advise only putting a Health & Welfare LPA into place is if the client has already made an enduring power of attorney which will only allow financial decision to be made by the attorneys.
Our Costs
1 x Power of Attorney
2 x Power of Attorney
4 x Power of Attorney
£795.00 (Perfect for Couples)
(Please note there is a registration fee for each LPA of £82.00 payable by the client directly to the Office of the Public Guardian)