Care Fees

inheritance Tax

We receive many queries daily on care fees assessment and how a home can be protected from care fees and whether it counts towards the means test carried out by the local authority, so we thought we would put together some information for you. Say you are a couple and live in a home worth […]

Hotchpot Clauses

Hotchpot clause

A testator may want to make gifts of money to one or more of their children during their lifetime for a number of reasons, for example to loan money to the child or even assist with a house purchase. The monies would either be given as a loan or a gift by the parent. It […]

The Role of a Trustee


What is a trustee? The role of a trustee is someone formally appointed to manage assets of a trust for the benefit of others (in this case the beneficiaries) and to administer the trust in accordance with the terms of the trust. There is an ongoing obligation to act in accordance with the terms of the trust […]

Where will my Pets go if i die?

When you think about making provisions for your estate after your death, what will often come to your mind is who should be your executor, trustee, whether there are any money gifts or specific gifts you want to make to family and friends and for those of you with minor children, the appointment of guardians.[/caption] […]

What is a Guardian or Guardianship?

Dereham & Norwich Will Writers

Most of us have probably come across the term “guardian” or “guardianship,” but have you ever stopped to think about whether this is something you need to put in place? As a parent, it may be something you think you may never have to consider but the safest option is to make provisions for your […]

What Affect Does Marriage and Divorce Have on Your Will?

Marriage and Wills

Many people don’t realise the affects getting married or divorced can have on your estate whether you die with a Will or intestate (without a Will). This article aims to address the ways in which either a marriage or divorce can affect the terms of your Will. Marriage A common misconception is that getting married […]

Mitigating Inheritance Tax

inheritance Tax

Inheritance tax (IHT) is payable on death or at certain stages during lifetime. For the purposes of this article we will look at the IHT charge payable on death which relates to the deceased’s estate. On death, the executors will calculate the value of the estate and as well as including the value of any […]

Severance of Joint Tenancy

home protection trust

We come across queries on the subject of Severance of Joint Tenancy on a daily basis so we thought this article might help answer those common questions or misconceptions. If you hold your property as joint tenants with another person, you may decide that you want to now change the ownership so it is held […]